Special Arka


This Special Gau arka is specially prepared from gou-mutra of Kapila breed of cows reared by Kapila Maharishi – a great Vedic Sage and hence the breed derives its name from him.



This Special Gau arka is specially prepared from gou-mutra of Kapila breed of cows reared by Kapila Maharishi – a great Vedic Sage and hence the breed derives its name from him. This breed is highly revered for its spiritual value and the Gomutra, milk, ghee etc of Kapila is being used in Ayurveda since ancient times. Kapila breed is found only in South India with a meager population of approximately 500 or so. Our Surabhivana Gaushala houses around 50 numbers of the golden variant of this Kapila breed.

Special Herbs selected by our Pujya Guruji like Graviola tree leaves, harsingar (parijat) etc. Special Arka is very effective in helping cure Thyroid, Diabetes, hypertension, Rheumatism, Joint pains and CANCER.

A Wonder Medicine called as Gau -Arka

Cow Urine Arka (Gomutra), is a natural antiseptic. In Ayurveda it is known as ‘Sanjivini’. It is an extremely potent medicine, most effective in treating all kinds of infections especially those of the kidney and liver. Gau-arka contains 5 rasas – bitter, hot (as in pepper), sour, sweet and salty. It purges out toxins from the whole body.

Regular Consumption of Gau-arka has shown promising results in curing cough, dismonerrhoea (painful menstrual periods), migraine or headaches, constipation, thyroid, skin diseases like eczema, ringworm, itching, acne etc and even cancer at an advanced stage. 

Gau-Arka has proved to be effective in reducing body fat and lowering cholesterol level. It also has immune-modulator properties, which makes it useful for immune deficiency diseases. 

This Gavyamirta is produced from the Indian breed of humped desi Cows which are left for grazing in the sunlight. In our Surabhivana Gaushala at Kompadavu, Dakshina Kannada ( Karnataka ) every day before sunrise fresh cow urine of Kapila cows is collected before falling on the ground. This urine is then distilled to make Gavyamrita. 

Consume this Gavyamrita every day and lead a healthy lifestyle free from any diseases. 

        Usage ( As recommended by Ayurvedic Doctors ) –

  1. 15 ml Gou Arka with equal quantity of water twice a day. Morning empty stomach and evening after food. 
  2. 15 ml Gou Arka, 15 ml Lemon Juice, 15 ml Organic Ginger juice, honey , salt – Once a day on empty stomach – For weight loss, cold, immunity and cholesterol. 
  3. After Brushing the teeth with any good tooth powder, gargle with Gou arka ( with or without dilution ) for few minutes – This can free you from any future dental problems and bad breath.  Do not rinse your mouth for half hour after this. Do it twice a day. 

Scientific Evidence

The laboratory analysis of cow urine shows that it contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, citric, calcium salts, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold salts – all needed in smaller amounts by the human body to balance the “tridoshas” – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Consumption of Gou Arka on a regular basis strengthens the immunity against many diseases.

This medicinal properties of cow urine is recognised by two patents granted in the US for cow urine distillate (Patent Nos. 6410059 and 6896907). It’s anti cancer, anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti oxidant properties has been accepted world wide.

Why Gau arka from Our Surabhivana Goshala ?

This Gau arka is specially prepared from gou-mutra of Kapila breed of cows reared by Kapila Maharishi – a great Vedic Sage and hence the breed derives its name from him. This breed is highly revered for its spiritual value and the Gomutra, milk, ghee etc of Kapila cow is being used in Ayurveda since ancient times. Kapila breed is found only in South India with a meager population of approximately 500 or so. Our Surabhivana Gaushala houses around 50 numbers of the golden variant of this Kapila breed.

Check the following points before buying Go Arka

  1. Collected before sunrise directly from cows and not from the ground. 
  2. Taken from desi cows of Indian origin only and not from cross bred foreign breeds.
  3. The cows are left for grazing so that they eat herbs and natural grass – which ultimately makes potent Arka. 
  4. The cows get access to sunlight.
  5. The cows are loved and cared as goumathas and not just reared for milk.


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